Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Men's Anti-Aging Face and Skin Care for Men - Should You Kiss or Not after Your First Date?

The greatest dilemma of the modern first date is how to end it – kissing or hugging at the end of the evening. You don’t want to seem too anxious, but on the other hand you must send off the right signals, otherwise the partner would think you’re not interested. If the date was good and you has a nice time, a kiss might wrap things up nicely.

Before the Date

When going out on a first date, everybody thinks that a kiss at the end of the night is very possible and you need to do all the preparations you can to make sure things will run smoothly. You must pay great attention to the way you dress like, but your skin face must also rise to the standards. Even if stubble give you that roughed, bad boy look, you might want to consider the chances you have that she actually approaches that skin for a kiss. Therefore, make sure you are clean and shaved on the date night, if you want the ball to be on your side.

More than making sure your face looks good, it must also feel good and appealing. Wrinkles and grease on your face will make your partner turn the back and run in a second.

The best option you’ve got in preparing for the date is to use Face Skin Care for Men products. First of all, use a good cleanser on your skin face to remove all the dead cells and to leave your face nice and soft. Avoid any kind of products that are made from sulfates or other industrial ingredients, because the only thing they’ll do is to spread the dead cells and other gunk all over your face, leaving it dry and unappealing.

What you need is a quality masculine face care cleaner that is gentle enough to bring out the masculine skin's natural moisture, but powerful enough to unclog pores and cut through the grime. In short, you need cleaner built for masculine men.

Next off, you should use natural ingredients and nutrients on your face to fight against premature aging and other skin issues. An intensive treatment will be a true blessing for your skin. The right treatment will work on those fine lines and wrinkles you have around the eyes and mouth, will restore the inner balance of your skin by rebuilding the collagen level and elasticity, will repair the damage you have done so far and will act as a shield against future attacks from free radicals or environmental damages. Shaving destroys the natural balance of your face skin, leaving it dry and subject to premature aging. So it’s best to take advantage of wonders of technology as far as masculine anti-aging face care products are concerned and protect your face from damaging factors.

Finally, protection comes into discussion. After an intensive treatment with natural ingredients, you must continue the treatment with a good protector. This step is important for restoring the inner balance and ensuring a moisturized skin. A good Face Skin Care Mens protector has the ability of combining advanced techniques alongside with natural and essential nutrients to restore your skin’s natural beauty. The skin will look good and also feel moisturized.

Now that you made sure your skin looks, but also feels good, let’s return to that first date.

Test the Ground

You can spot the interest of your partner during the date from her gestures or body language. Every touch and smile is actually a positive sign and you can be sure that she likes you if she finds all the excuses to touch your hand or laugh at your jokes. You, too, should make sure she gets the same vibe by acting affectionate and showing your interest; if things go the right way, you can receive that kiss after all.

Now, there is a fine line between being a masculine man (i.e. a gentleman) and a creep, and the tide turns quickly, so you want to be extra careful here, because the last thing you want to do is make her uncomfortable. There are some baby steps that you can follow. A nice way to show affection without being forceful or creepy is a brief, warm hand squeeze - after you have finished your meal, reach across the table and take her hand just for a moment. Tell her that you had a great time and that you really appreciate her company.

Another reliable test to tell if she is really interested in you is to put your hand on her back while walking her out of the restaurant and what her reaction- does she rests her back on your hand or does she speed up so you can drop the hand? Another method to test your partner’s interest is to propose a long, leisurely stroll and suggest to take her home. Is she delighted with your idea? Or does she look embarrassed and makes up a lousy excuse how her nephew will be in town tomorrow and she has to take him to the circus first thing in the morning?

Now, if she answers affirmatively, that either means she is interested in spending more quality time with you or she is not sure, but wants to give it another shot. You can apply several other methods to find out her opinion and feelings about you, but the focus should remain on the body language, because that is your reliable source of answers. So as you are walking and talking, there might be a speeding car coming your way at a certain time or a stumbling biker – this is the moment to make your move. Put your arm casually around her waist, like in a protective gesture, a natural impulse you had to protect her.

Moreover, maybe you notice she’s heading towards a ventilation grill and there’s a good chance to get her new pair of Manolos stuck in there and see hundreds of dollars going down the grill. It is well known that ladies are more than fond of their shoes and if you save her babies from “drowning”, you might be awarded with a big, fat kiss after all the trouble you’ve gone through. But keep in mind that any contact or move you make towards her should seem natural, casual and subtle.

A quick warning before going further. Never try to touch one of her hot spots and make it look like an accident. No matter how you do it, the result will still be the same: a punch in the face and a wave goodbye. If you want to get out of a bad date and you don’t want to her the other’s feelings, you should make this move and let her think she had the upper hand. So remember, look for as long as you want, but never touch.

out of a store window?

End of the Date

I mentioned in an article on Masculine Men's Anti-Aging Face Care Series - A Gentlemen's Guide To That Romatic First Date, that a key part of the first date is to pay attention to her body language.

As you end the date, think about her actions over the course of the evening. Did she appreciate the bits of physical contact? Did she indicate she liked being closer to you - you know, put her arm in yours as you took your after-dinner stroll? Was she affectionate with you? If so, a first kiss might be in the cards. And how much did she open up to you during the date? That's a big indicator of trust, too - and a kiss is all about trust. If she seemed uncomfortable at all, abort the mission!

As you reached the destination, examine her a bit and see if she would like to procrastinate your leaving. At a certain time, you might finish your sentences, but you continue having eye contact- this is the first sign! The best proof you can get of her wanting to be kissed is the look she gives you, going you’re your lips to your eyes and back. Make the first step forward and see how she reacts. We are talking about comfort here and it’s important to identify every fact. If you move takes her by surprise, go out and hug her instead. On the other hand, if she closes her eyes, that’s it! If she makes a turn, then kiss her on the cheek and go home already!

Once you accomplished the first kiss mission- hopefully they’ll continue to pour up in the future, so don’t forget about your masculine face care routine. If she liked the way your skin felt like on the first date, it is likely she expects the same treatments from now on- so do your best and make both your skin and your partner happy!